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Dr. Tony Yuan from Naval Medical Research Unit - San Antonio presented a poster on the development of a nanofibrous fibrinogen-chitosan scaffold for the recruitment of fibroblasts during wound healing at the Military Health Systems Research Symposium, Kissimmee, Florida, August 29. (U.S. Navy photo by Katie Berland)
Dr. Anna Tschiffely shared findings on the effects of mild traumatic brain injury on service members during the first 30 days following an improvised explosive device blast during the Military Health System Research Symposium August 28 (U.S. Navy photo by Katie Berland)
Army Lt. Col. David Saunders, the extremity repair product manager for the U.S. Army Medical Material Development Activity, Fort Detrick, Maryland, talks about extremity regeneration at the Military Health System Research Symposium in Kissimmee, Florida, Aug. 28, 2017.
A juvenile California tiger Salamander migrates across the Travis Air Force Base, California, airfield in search of a suitable burrow, June 9, 2017. Military researchers are studying how some animals, such as salamanders, are able to regrow limbs. The work is designed to help those with amputations regrow their own arms and legs. (U.S. Air Force photo by Heide Couch)
Title graphic by NHRC Public Affairs.
Major General Barbara R. Holcomb, commanding general of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, presented the Battelle team, supporting the Office of Naval Research, with the 2017 Team Research Accomplishment (Academia), in the category of Combat Casualty Care, on Aug. 28 at the Military Health System (MHS) Research Symposium. The team was recognized for their work with the Acute Care Covering for Severely Injured Limbs project to develop an oxygen-generating pump that makes oxygen available to wounds that require the use of a tourniquet.
Major General Barbara R. Holcomb, commanding general of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, presented the Occupational Physical Assessment research team from the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine and U.S. Army Public Health Center with the 2017 Team Research Accomplishment (Military), in the category of Musculoskeletal Injury, on Aug. 28 at the Military Health System (MHS) Research Symposium. The team was awarded first place for their work in developing a physical test to select recruits best suited for physically-demanding combat occupations.
Major General Barbara R. Holcomb, commanding general of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, presented Calvin Griner and his research team from the Air Force Medical Service with the 2017 Team Research Accomplishment (Military), in the category of Advanced Development, on Aug. 28 at the Military Health System (MHS) Research Symposium. The team received honorable mention for their work in developing the Multiple-Channel Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Device—a device capable of treating four wounds simultaneously.
Major General Barbara R. Holcomb, commanding general of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, presented Connie S. Schmaljohn, Ph.D. and her team of military and civilian scientists from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease the 2017 Team Research Accomplishment (Military), in the category of Infectious Disease, on Aug. 28 at the Military Health System (MHS) Research Symposium. The team received honorable mention for the successful development and human clinical testing of a state-of-the-art DNA vaccine to prevent hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome.
U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and Fort Detrick Commanding General Barbara R. Holcomb delivers a keynote speech on prolonged field care at the 2017 Military Health System Research Symposium Aug. 28. (DHA Communications photo by Jaime Chirinos)
Title graphic from NHRC Public Affairs
Naval Medical Research Center researchers presented a poster on aeromedical evacuation of combat casualties at the Military Health System Research Symposium, August 28, Kissimmee, Florida. Pictured from left to right, Dr. Richard McCarron, Department Head, Neurotrauma Department, Naval Medical Research Center, Dr. Anke Scultetus, Senior Scientist, NMRC and Air Force Col. Debra Malone. (U.S. Navy photo by Katie Berland)
Sean Biggerstaff, acting director for the Research and Development directorate for the Defense Health Agency, speaks during a roundtable session with senior medical leaders and representatives of all the services at the Military Health System Research Symposium this week in Kissimmee, Florida.
Dr. David Smith, acting principal deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, delivers the keynote address at the Military Health System Research Symposium opening session Aug. 27.
Dr. Sarah Chabal, Warfighter Performance Directorate, Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory in Groton, Connecticut speaks to a Military Health System Research Symposium attendee, August 28, Kissimmee, Florida. (U.S. Navy photo by Katie Berland)
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