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Sailors continue to receive COVID-19 vaccine

Image of Military personnel wearing a face mask receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Alyssa Opheim administers a COVID-19 vaccination at Naval Support Activity Mid-South Branch Health Clinic (Photo by: Navy story Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Jose Madrigal, Navy Recruiting Command).

As the Navy pushes toward its return to normal, sailors assigned to Navy Recruiting enterprise in Millington, Tennessee continue to volunteer for the COVID-19 vaccine with high hopes it will benefit them.

Navy Talent Acquisition Group (NTAG) Pacific Northwest currently has an 82% vaccination rate – the highest of all 26 NTAGs spread across America.

"Of course we want to reach 100 percent," said Navy Lt. Adam Czosek, lead for the NTAG Pacific Northwest medical program. "We are aware that some people may be hesitant, but we're here to help Sailors who've been misinformed about the vaccine risks and lead them to the right resources so they can make informed decisions."

Czosek and other NTAG Pacific Northwest leaders have conducted both town hall meetings with medical providers and held discussions with individual Sailors in the command to address concerns and benefits that come with receiving the vaccine.

"I've received the vaccine, and I think sharing my experience may help others to make their decision to get vaccinated," said Czosek. "The vaccine helps protect yourself and others by adding an additional barrier."

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some of the benefits of being fully vaccinated include gathering indoors with other vaccinated people without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart, and not needing to get tested or self-quarantine if travelling within the U.S.

As more sailors get vaccinated and cases of COVID-19 continue to drop, Czosek is hopeful that the Navy may be able to return to normal by the end of 2021.

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Last Updated: December 02, 2024
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