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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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Medical Student Rotation Information

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

We schedule medical student rotations for over 700 rotations per year in all of our primary specialties and many of our subspecialties. We focus on placing our 4th-year medical students in their first desired rotation whenever possible. Our medical student coordinators work with Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP), Health Services Collegiate Program (HSCP), and the Uniformed Services University for the Health Sciences (USUHS) medical students to coordinate rotations, in-process medical students on their first day of rotation and provide a comprehensive orientation to our facility. Our robust training opportunities provide a dynamic atmosphere for learning and growth.

To Schedule a Rotation:

HPSP, HSCP and USUHS Medical Students should contact our medical student coordinator,, about prospective rotations. Please do not contact the departments directly.

Rotation requests will be accepted starting at 12 a.m. (midnight) EST on first Monday of December and processed in the order they are received. Students are required to have electronic copies of their HIPAA and DoD Cyber Security training certificates for WR in-processing.

Alexander T. Augusta Military Medical Center

Our focus is on Primary Care training through our Family Medicine Residency and Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship. We also host rotations for a number of WRNMMC residencies and fellowships. Our focus is on placing students in Family Medicine rotations to familiarize prospective residents with our Family Medicine Residency. Rotations in major specialty areas are usually available as well. Subspecialty rotations are limited depending on staffing in the subspecialty areas – students interested in subspecialty rotations are encouraged to consider WRNMMC as a location due to more robust training opportunities there.

To Schedule a Rotation:

HPSP and USUHS Medical Students should contact our medical student coordinator,, about prospective rotations. Information needed includes: 

  • Military service branch and rank:
  • Desired specialty or subspecialty department:      
  • Dates of rotation:
  • If HPSP, specify if Active Duty Training (ADT) orders or Non-ADT Orders:
  • Note: if rotating to family medicine, specify if this is a interview rotation

Please note: Due to limited slots/ availability, only USUHS and HPSP students can be supported, and not all departments can support HPSP students.

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