The Defense Health Agency Graduate Medical Education Program is the premiere platform for producing Medical Corps Officers who are expert clinicians, trained to the scope of practice required in the operational force, and acculturated in the Medical Corps. The assignment of responsibility for GME to the DHA is codified in the National Defense Authorization Act FY 2017 Section 702, which provides that the Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Affairs at DHA "shall be responsible for policy, procedures, and direction of graduate medical education."
Interested in becoming a military doctor?
We offer pathways to earn your M.D. or D.O.
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Looking for a GME Training Site? Need to Verify Your Training?
We offer Graduate Medical Education opportunities at 25 sponsoring institutions across the DHA enterprise.
GME Training Sitesgoes to the Training Sites page
Search by Service branch, program type or training site location. Select one or more items to narrow your search or to see all programs, simply click, "Search".
The DHA GME platform provides training to more than 3,000 U.S. military officers within 25 teaching hospitals that host our 216 training programs. Two hundred of the programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. While the remaining programs are not formally recognized by the ACGME, they are recognized by their associated Specialty Board as qualified training programs.
After completion of GME, these Medical Corps Officers will form the MC component of the Military Department’s Ready Medical Force. In addition to the education of military physicians, the DHA GME Program contributes to high quality health care, militarily relevant research to improve battlefield survivability, and retention of experienced MC Officers. The DHA GME program also provides an educational infrastructure that supports the training of the rest of the military health care team.
DHA GME At-a-Glance
DHA GME Training Sites
25 locations across the DHA Enterprise:
2 Joint sites
9 Army sites
6 Navy sites
8 Air Force sites
DHA GME Specialties
74 Specialties
68 of these offer board certification
DHA GME Programs
216 Total Programs
(includes 22 civilian-sponsored programs)
3040 Total Trainees
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