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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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DMRTI Course Information

Combat and Trauma Medicine Courses:

Combat Casualty Care Course (C4)

Provides an orientation to the first and second echelons of care under simulated combat conditions. This postgraduate course is designed to enhance medical readiness by providing training in leadership, knowledge and skills necessary for direct medical support of tactical units under combat operations.

Emergency War Surgery Course (EWSC)

The EWSC establishes combat training competencies and coordinates training to develop and sustain DOD trauma surgeons, located in operational environments, military treatment facilities, or at Level I trauma treatment facilities.

Medical Certification Courses

DMRTI also instructs the following medical certification courses:

Medical Operations Programs Courses:

Joint Medical Operations Course (JMOC)

A five-day course that provides training in joint and combined operational and medical planning that will span the operational environment from point of injury/illness to the appropriate capability of care across the full spectrum of military operations.

Joint Medical Planning Tool Course (JMPT)

A five-day course that provides hands-on training on the Joint Medical Planning Tool (JMPT) and the Medical Planners' Toolkit (MPTk). Through a series of exercises that utilizes the crawl, walk, run methodology; students will utilize the JMPT and MPTk to develop a model that demonstrates the flow of patients, from the point of injury through definitive care, implementing planning and logistics strategies for operational missions.

Joint Senior Medical Leaders Course (JSMLC)

A five-day senior level program that will further enhance the knowledge of operational medicine, joint policy and doctrine, interagency coordination, major contingency operations, and stability operations in preparation for future roles as JTF Surgeons and senior staff.

Disaster Medicine Program Courses:

Federal Coordinating Center (FCC) 

A two-and-a-half-day course that provides an orientation to FCC/PRA program management and patient reception operations. This course provides instruction in patient reception operations conducted under the VA-DOD Contingency Plan and under the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS).

Hospital ICS Course (HICS)

A two-day course orienting students to an incident command system designed for hospitals and intended for use in both emergency and non-emergency situations. It provides hospitals of all sizes with the tools needed to advance their emergency preparedness and response capability – both individually and as members of a broader community.

Incident Command System (ICS) Courses

  • ICS 300 - Intermediate ICS: A two-and-a-half-day course covering intermediate ICS for expanding incidents.
  • ICS 400 - Advanced ICS: A two-day course covering advanced ICS for command and general staff.

Joint Humanitarian Operations Course

A two-day course familiarizing students with USG disaster response structures, relevant offices, policies, mandates, and roles and responsibilities. Students will become familiar with the international response system, including the role of the host nation, international and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and UN agencies.

Public Health Emergency Management (PHEM) Course

A five-day course that provides Public Health Emergency Officers (PHEOs) and Medical Emergency Managers (MEMs) with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure that the DOD is ready to respond to public health emergencies and assist civilian and host nation authorities.

Public Health and Medical Services in Defense Support of Civil Authorities (PH MED DSCA) Course

A five-day, interactive DOD course focusing on inter-governmental and inter-agency response. The program increases attendee's knowledge & skills through expert presentations, table-top exercises, and discussions between DOD, Federal, State, and local partners in support of the National Preparedness Goals.

Emergency Preparedness Response Courses (CBRNE):

EPRC provides an overview of the different types of CBRNE threats as well as information on how to prepare for and recognize a CBRNE threat and instruction on protective measures. CBRNE training is divided into four levels targeted to a student's professional/job description:

Course Description
EPRC-B A two-hour Basic Awareness Course. For DOD civilians, non-medical/non-security employees and contractors within the Military Health System (MHS).
EPRC-C A one-day Clinician Course. For clinical personnel within the MHS as well as Special Forces Medics, DOD Civilian and Contract Direct Health Care Providers.
EPRC-E A one-day Executive Commander Course. For military Executives and Commanders working within the MHS.
EPRC-O A one-day Operator Course. All military personnel, DOD civilians, and Contractors providing security within the MHS must complete this course unless directed to complete the clinician course.
EPRC-MPFR A four-hour Refresher/Sustainment Course. For medical personnel and first responders working within the MHS.

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Last Updated: July 09, 2024
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