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Military Health System

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Solution Delivery Division

Delivering Solutions, Advancing Health Care


To enhance medical readiness and health care delivery through optimized, modernized, and cost-efficient information, simulation, technology, and medical devices acquisition program management, solutions, and services to empower the Department of Defense and our partners.


To be the premier provider of enterprise information, simulation, technology and medical devices acquisition program management solutions to enhance medical readiness and health care delivery.

Key Functions

The SDD provides and sustains information technology capabilities that support the delivery of health care to our service members from battlefield to the home front. Key SDD solutions:

  • Support more than 9 million eligible product users
  • Document clinical encounters and data
  • Process 25,000 requisitions and over $13 million of medical supplies and pharmaceuticals daily
  • Empower patients with access to online military hospital and clinic health care services and information
  • Provide near real time global medical surveillance
  • Manage clinical provider credentials and privileging
  • Track billions of dollars annually in health care services
  • Support patient safety, nutrition services, blood programs, Service Treatment Records, care coordination, occupational health, and more!


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Our Teams

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Care and Benefits

Icon for Care and Benefits

CBIS PMO systems make it easier for a veteran to share their health records with the Department of Veterans Affairs when they retire from the military. CBIS PMO securely stores, assembles, and sends a veteran’s records to the VA to use to decide what benefits the veteran will receive.

Clinical Support

Icon for Clinical Support

Clinical Support Program Management Office’s systems give staff and managers tools to help military hospitals and clinics provide the best care possible. These tools help track costs, allow patients to order eyeglasses, and track patients’ health risk from chemical exposures.

Health Services Support

Icon for Health Services Support

HSS PMO buys, sets up, and supports systems that help military hospitals and clinics, patients, and readiness.

Integrated Clinical Systems

Icon for Integrated Clinical Systems

ICS PMO buys and manages all x-ray, surgical, and radiation treatment devices. They provide modern and affordable products for the DHA.

Legacy Evolutionary Analytics

Icon for Legacy Evolutionary Analytics

LEAP retires health record systems no longer in use. LEAP ensures safe data transfer and provider access to all records at military hospitals and clinics around the world.

Medical Logistics Information Technology

Icon for Medical Logistics Information Technology

MEDLOG IT PMO helps military hospitals and clinics get the medical supplies they need. Their systems provide tools for managing the supply chain of the Military Health System.

Medical Simulation and Training

Icon for Medical Simulation and Training

MST PMO prepares medics for crisis situations through advanced simulation and training. At some of their trainings, students get to treat surgical mannequins in simulated warzones. This gives medics a chance to practice high-risk procedures in a risk-free setting.

Technology Support

Icon for Technology Support

The Technology Support Branch helps Defense Health Agency programs meet cyber security rules, reviews systems for weaknesses and helps with system design. TSB works with each team to reach their goals through quality contracts and security plans that keep patient information safe.

Web and Mobile Technology

Icon for Web and Mobile Technology

WMT PMO builds and supports innovative mobile apps and websites for the Defense Health Agency. WMT PMO hosts more than 16 mobile apps available to patients and providers. They also maintain many websites and collaboration sites.

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Fact Sheet
Jul 24, 2023

Individual Longitudinal Exposure Record

.PDF | 704.94 KB

ILER is a web-based application that provides the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs personnel the ability to link service member and veteran data to known exposures, ensuring the efficient and effective continuity of individualized health care.

Fact Sheet
Jul 21, 2023

Picture Archiving and Communication Systems

.PDF | 738.72 KB

PACS technology allows for digital transmission of electronic images and reduces the need for x-ray film, manual filing, and manual retrieval. The use of PACS improves beneficiary health care by streamlining platforms and providing medical teams quick, easy access at the point of care.

Fact Sheet
Jul 13, 2023

Robotic Process Automation Brochure

.PDF | 730.61 KB

Robotic Process Automation utilizes software to imitate human actions in order to manage high-volume, rule-based, and repetitive tasks. Entire end-to-end processes can be performed by software robots with very little human interaction.

Fact Sheet
Jun 7, 2023

DHA MedCard App

.PDF | 673.07 KB

The MedCard app allows Defense Health Agency pharmacies to capture and verify the validation dates of third party payers for Department of Defense beneficiaries. Additionally, the app provides the user a way to capture information on themselves and family members that may be helpful when interacting with a pharmacist.

Fact Sheet
Jun 7, 2023

Mission Fit App

.PDF | 631.99 KB

Mission Fit is an Air Force exercise app that provides a 12-week program of exercise routines, along with library of 90+ exercises with detailed instructions including video, images and textual description. The app guides users through workout routines by navigating workout weeks, days and exercise routine instructions.

Fact Sheet
Jun 7, 2023

Decide + Be Ready App Factsheet

.PDF | 743.54 KB

The Decide + Be Ready mobile application contains evidence-based information on the most common forms of contraception available. The app uses a unique interface that was previously studied and designed to aid patients in making the best contraception decision.

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.PDF | 544.23 KB

The MHS Planning, Programming, Budget, and Execution Tool facilitates data-driven metrics, assessments, and analysis throughout the Planning, Programming, and Budgeting Execution processes for the Defense Health Program funding requirements.

Fact Sheet
Jun 7, 2023

Provider Resilience App

.PDF | 647.29 KB

Provider Resilience gives health care providers tools to guard against burnout and compassion fatigue as they help service members, veterans, and their families.

Fact Sheet
May 9, 2023

DMLES LogiCole

.PDF | 544.98 KB

The Defense Medical Logistics - Enterprise Solution is the DoD MEDLOG IT portfolio. LogiCole is the technical refresh of DMLSS transitioning all MEDLOG applications into a single, web-based application supporting all medical logistics functions in the Military Health System.

Last Updated: December 18, 2024
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