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Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

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Patient Safety Champion Recognition Program

PS Champion flyerThe Patient Safety Champion Certificate of Recognition is a peer-to-peer recognition initiative led by the DOD Patient Safety Program. This initiative gives Military Health System staff an opportunity to recognize peers for their patient safety efforts within their local military treatment facility.

Download the peer recognition flyer to raise awareness of this opportunity with your team.

Why should I recognize a peer?

Teamwork is critical in every high reliability health care environment. This recognition program is one way to recognize teammates for their valuable contribution(s) to the team’s larger initiatives to provide the best care possible to MHS patients and their families.

Who is eligible?

All Click to closeDirect CareDirect care refers to military hospitals and clinics, also known as “military treatment facilities” and “MTFs.”direct care Military Health System staff including, but not limited to, health care professionals and non-clinical staff are eligible to nominate a colleague or receive recognition.

How do I submit a nomination form?

Visit the PS Champions Recognition page on the PSLC for more details or contact the DOD Patient Safety Program team.

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Last Updated: July 11, 2023
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