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Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

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Extremity Trauma and Amputation Center of Excellence

The EACE leads the advancement of extremity trauma related discovery and clinical practice to optimize outcomes of service members, veterans, and beneficiaries while meeting the needs of the Combatant Commands and the Military Health System. The EACE is committed to ensuring a better future for those with extremity trauma. Established by the 2009 National Defense Authorization Act, the EACE is established jointly between the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

The EACE was originally established to operate with the U.S. Army as its lead component. In October 2022 the EACE aligned to the Defense Health Agency in the Research & Engineering Directorate with the other Congressionally established Centers of Excellence.

Research and SurveillanceClinical AffairsGlobal Health EngagementClinical Informatics Knowledge Management Knowledge Translation

EACE Data Request Form

Movement Retraining Clinic at Naval Medical Center San Diego

Lead the advancement of extremity trauma related discovery and clinical practice to optimize outcomes of service members and veterans and meet the needs of the Combatant Commands and the Military Health System.

A better future for those with extremity trauma.

In 2001, ret. Lt. Gen. James Peake, M.D., then Army Surgeon General, directed the assessment of the Army Medical Department’s ability to care for large populations of combat amputees. That same year an amputee care center was established at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. In 2005, Brooke Army Medical Center began caring for amputees. In 2007, three DOD Advanced Rehabilitation Centers were established to rehabilitate military amputees. The VA established an Amputee System of Care across the United States with Regional Amputation Centers and Polytrauma Amputation Network Sites. Significant advances in the treatment and rehabilitation of extremity trauma and amputee patients resulted from the efforts at these sites.

In 2009, the EACE was legislated by Congress as a collaborative organization to enhance partnerships between the DOD and VA as well as institutions of higher education and other appropriate public and private entities.

Unique to the EACE, is a Congressional mandate under the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act to “conduct research to develop scientific information aimed at saving injured extremities, avoiding amputations, and preserving and restoring the function of injured extremities.” The EACE will optimize multi-disciplinary team management strategies, with a focus on conducting scientific research to improve the clinical outcomes of our patients as they return to the highest possible level of physical, psychological, and emotional function.

The EACE has the following responsibilities based on public law:

  1. To implement a comprehensive plan and strategy for the DOD and the VA for the mitigation, treatment, and rehabilitation of traumatic extremity injuries and amputations.
  2. To conduct research to develop scientific information aimed at saving injured extremities, avoiding amputations, and preserving the function of injured extremities. Such research shall address military medical needs and include the full scale of scientific inquiry encompassing basic, translational, and clinical research.
  3. To carry out such other activities to improve and enhance the efforts of the DOD and VA for the mitigation, treatment, and rehabilitation of traumatic extremity injuries and amputations as the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs consider appropriate.

Legislation and Authority

The EACE was established through Public Law and developed as a Joint effort between the Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

  • Public Law 110-417: Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009
  • Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum: Delegated authority to the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) to establish the EACE
  • Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) Memorandum: Directs the Department of the Army as the Lead Component for the operation of the EACE
  • Under Secretary for Health, Veterans Health Administration and Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs): Co-Signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish the Traumatic Extremity Injuries and Amputations Center of Excellence
  • Senior Military Medical Advisory Committee (SMMAC): Designated the Army and Army Medical Department (AMEDD) as the DoD lead component for the EACE
  • DoD-VA Extremity Trauma and Amputation Center Concept of Operations: Approved in January 2012 by the Military Health System (MHS) Centers of Excellence Oversight Board

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Last Updated: July 08, 2024
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