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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

BARRIGADA, Guam (July 27, 2022) Sailors attached to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit Five (EODMU5), train with Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 25 (HSC-25), transporting a simulated combat casualty. HSC-25 maintains a 24-hour search and rescue and medical evacuation alert posture, directly supporting the U.S. Coast Guard, Sector Guam and Joint Region Marianas. HSC-25 ensures maritime peace and security in the U.S. 7th Fleet Area of Responsibility. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Neil Forshay)
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Health Readiness & Combat Support

The Defense Health Agency is the nation’s medical Combat Support Agency, providing or augmenting medical capabilities of the Combatant Commands, the military services, federal partners and partners and allies around the world. As one of the Defense Department’s combat support agencies, DHA works to provide combat forces with capabilities they do not possess, or possess in insufficient quantity. In cooperation with the Joint Staff Surgeon and Military Department medical organizations, DHA leads the Department of Defense integrated system of readiness and health through a global health care network of military and civilian medical professionals, including military hospitals and clinics around the world, to improve and sustain operational medical force readiness and the medical readiness of the Armed Forces.

Enhancing Military Readiness through Combat Support Capabilities

The DHA provides support for operating forces engaged in planning for, or conducting, military operations, including support during conflict or in the conduct of other military activities related to countering threats to U.S. national security. Among DHA’s most important combat support responsibilities is its work to increase readiness of U.S. forces to carry out their deployed missions.

The DHA fulfills its combat support responsibilities through capabilities including several components that provide crucial expertise and support to the Combatant Commands. Liaison officers within Combatant Commands enable direct contact with DHA, help the DHA better understand Combatant Command needs, and give the Combatant Commands better understanding of DHA capabilities.

The DHA is a critical enabler, working with the Military Departments to advance the health and readiness of U.S. forces and to manage the medical readiness platforms that keep the medical force ready to support operations worldwide. Working in close coordination with the Joint Staff Surgeon, the DHA provides medical-related combat support capabilities that apply across all phases of military operations, including:

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Oct 4, 2004

Directive: #DODD 6200.04, Force Health Protection

This Directive establishes policy and assigns responsibility for implementing Force Health Protection measures, on behalf of all Military Service members during active and Reserve military service, encompassing the full spectrum of missions, responsibilities, and actions of the DOD Components in establishing, sustaining, restoring, and improving the ...

  • Identification #: DODD 6200.04
  • Type: Directive
Last Updated: September 26, 2024
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